Novel Coronavirus spread can be stopped. Cover your mouth properly while coughing & Sneezing. Wash hands with soap frequently. Keep social distancing. Avoid close contact with any one with fever or difficulty in breathing. Stay safe


+91- 86378 07453


10:00 am - 3:00 pm (Mon -Fri)

Student's Rules & Guidelines

1. Full uniform is a must for sitting in class. Ornaments of any kind are not to be worn.

2. The pupils must come to school in proper school dress. Clean and tidy, hair neatly cut and couped, with trimmed fingernails and physical cleanliness. However, a student is allowed to attend classes without uniforms on his/her birthday.

3. Parents and guardians are not allowed to see their children or interview teachers or enter the school verandah during school hours.

4. The student is not permitted to be absent If she/he does so, the letter showing the reasons must be produced, duly signed by the parent/guardian.

5. The medium of instruction is English, Bengali, and Hindi are taught as Major Indian languages.

6. Pupils should take good care of their books and personal belongings. Each article should be marked with the pupil’s name and class.

7. The school is not responsible for goods lost. We discourage children from bringing any expensive articles to school and wearing ornaments.

8. Pupils should bring to school their textbooks only. Periodicals, newspapers, and comics are not to be brought to the school.

9. No student is allowed to leave the school premises during school hours or recess without the permission of the principal.

10. Students are not permitted to offer presents to the teachers except in those circumstances sanctioned by the principal.

11. Any damage caused to school property should be made good by the pupil concerned.