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+91- 86378 07453


10:00 am - 3:00 pm (Mon -Fri)


To create a “Centre of Knowledge and Excellence” this will propagate the culture of India and its holistic values in surroundings driven by modern technology and a focused pursuit of the intellect. The focus is on nurturing well-rounded personalities with the skills to excel in the world they will inherit in time.

We have a team of teachers and academicians amidst us who are highly experienced and are regarded as institutions in themselves. Their constant supervision shall ensure that the quality shall never be compromised. The school follows a 360 Model wherein all the people involved shall work towards one mission – EDUCATION FOR LIFE. The main mission of Holy Kids Public School is to envisage that students will learn, develop, and grow in the competitive arena in Today & Tomorrow.

Kindergarten Level

At this level, we focus on emerging children to come to school with joy rather thanout of compulsion. We are emphasiszing play-way method of learning for the kindergarten kids. Playing different games with the students is one of the most effective methods to teach and develop their skills, language, creativity etc.

Lower Primary Level

At the lower primary level, we aim to identify and develop the potential of our students. Teachers appropriately encourage , mentor , praise and guide their students in this level. Worksheets and activities based on each lesson taught are given to the students upon lesson completion. Internal assessment starts in this level. Internal Assessment is based on submission of assignments, projects, and neatness of books, classroom behavior, and written and oral forms of examination.